Source code for bouwer.plugins.LineConfig

# Copyright (C) 2012 Niek Linnenbank
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import os
import sys
import argparse
from bouwer.plugin import *
from bouwer.config import *

[docs]class LineConfig(Plugin): """ Configure using standard input """
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Initialize plugin """ self.conf.cli.parser.add_argument('--lineconfig', dest = 'config_plugin', action = 'store_const', const = self, default = argparse.SUPPRESS, help = 'Change configuration using standard I/O interface')
[docs] def configure(self, conf): """ Main configuration routine """ self.done = [] # Loop all items in order by path for tree in conf.trees.values(): for path, item_list in tree.get_items_by_path().items(): self.print_path = False for item in item_list: self._change_item(conf, tree, path, item) # Ask to save the modified configuration. print() sys.stdout.write('Save Configuration? (y/n) [n] ') sys.stdout.flush() try: if sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower() == 'y': print('Configuration saved!') print() conf.dump() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() return 1 return 0
def _change_item(self, conf, tree, path, item): """ Attempt to change a configuration item """ # First ask for our dependencies, if needed for dep_name in item._keywords.get('depends', []): if dep_name in tree.subitems: for dep in tree.subitems[dep_name]: self._change_item(conf, tree, dep._path, dep) # If this item is not satisfied in this tree, skip it if not item.satisfied(tree): return # If item already done, don't bother again if item in self.done: return # Ask the user for the item value, if not only selectable list item. # TODO: broken!!! GCC isn't asked anymore for TARGET and HOST... if item._keywords.get('in_list', None) is None: while self._try_change_item(conf, tree, path, item) is not True: pass # Otherwise, just print the item type and title for asking keywords? # TODO: if no keywords available, this is useless.. else: self._print_prompt(tree, path, item, False) print() # Ask the user for the item keywords. for key in item._keywords: while self._try_change_keyword(conf, tree, item, key) is not True: pass # Append to done list self.done.append(item) # For a list, also mark all options done if type(item) == ConfigList: for opt in item._keywords.get('options', []): self.done.append(tree.subitems[opt]) def _read_input(self): # Read the user input try: return sys.stdin.readline().strip() except KeyboardInterrupt: print() sys.exit(1) ## # Change a configuration item # def _try_change_item(self, conf, tree, path, item): # Print the prompt for this item self._print_prompt(tree, path, item) # Read input from user line = self._read_input() # No input means keep the current value if len(line) == 0: return True # Question mark means print the help if line == '?': print(item._keywords.get('help', 'No help available')) return False # Change a boolean if type(item) is ConfigBool: if line == 'Y' or line == 'y': item.update(True) if line == 'N' or line == 'n': item.update(False) if line == 'k': pass if line == '?': pass # Change a string if type(item) is ConfigString: item.update(line) # Change an integer if type(item) is ConfigInt: item.update(int(line)) # Change a float if type(item) is ConfigFloat: item.update(float(line)) # Change a list if type(item) is ConfigList: try: item.update(item._keywords['options'][int(line) - 1]) # TODO: ask for the selected item's keywords too except ValueError as e: return False # Success return True ## # Change a configuration keyword # def _try_change_keyword(self, conf, tree, item, key): # Ignore special keywords if key in ['title', 'help', 'options', 'depends', 'in_list', 'tree']: return True sys.stdout.write(' [key] ' + key + ' [' + str(item._keywords[key]) + '] ') sys.stdout.flush() line = self._read_input() if line: item._keywords[key] = line return True def _print_prompt(self, tree, path, item, input = True): """ Print the input prompt for changing the given item. """ # Do we first need to print the Bouwconfig path? if not self.print_path: print print( + ' : ' + path) self.print_path = True title = item._keywords.get('title', if type(item) is ConfigList: print('[list] ' + title +' [' + str(item.value(tree)) + '] ') n = 1 for item_name in item._keywords['options']: subitem = tree.get(item_name) print('\t(' + str(n) + ') : ' + subitem._keywords.get('title', n += 1 if input: sys.stdout.write('\t(1-' + str(n - 1) + '/?) ') sys.stdout.flush() else: if type(item) is ConfigBool: prompt = '[bool] ' + title if input: prompt += ' (Y/y/N/n/?) ' if type(item) is ConfigString: prompt = '[str] ' + title if input: prompt += ' (str/?) ' if type(item) is ConfigInt: prompt = '[int] ' + title if input: prompt += ' (int/?) ' if type(item) is ConfigFloat: prompt = '[float] ' + title if input: prompt += ' (float/?) ' if input: prompt += ' [' + str(item.value(tree)) + '] ' sys.stdout.write(prompt) sys.stdout.flush()