Source code for bouwer.config

# Copyright (C) 2012 Niek Linnenbank
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Bouwer configuration layer

Configuration allows the user to influence the execution
of the build automation system. A user can create and modify
a (set of) configuration(s) using any available configuration frontend.
For example, the :class:`.LineConfig` plugin allows the user to change
configuration items via the command line.

import os
import sys
import logging
import inspect
import shlex
import json
import collections
import bouwer.util

[docs]class Config(object): """ Represents a single generic configuration item """ def __init__(self, name, value, path = None, **keywords): """ Constructor """ = name self._value = value self._parent = None self._path = path self._keywords = keywords self.update(value)
[docs] def get_key(self, key, default = None): """ Wrapper for the :obj:`dict.get` function """ # TODO: why do we need this function??? #return self._interpolate(self._keywords.get(key, default)) try: return self.__getitem__(key) except KeyError: return default
[docs] def keys(self): """ Retrieve a list of keyword keys """ return self._keywords.keys()
def __getitem__(self, key): """ Implements the conf_item['keyword'] mechanism. """ try: return self._interpolate(self._keywords[key]) except KeyError as e: if self._parent: return self._parent[key] else: raise e def _interpolate(self, text): """ Substitute ${ITEMNAME} with the value of a Configuration item. """ # Only process strings. if type(text) is not str: return text offset = 0 output = "" saved_idx = 0 # TODO: is there an easier way in python??? while True: # Start of the item name idx_start = text.find('${', saved_idx) if idx_start == -1: break # End of the item name idx_end = text.find('}', idx_start) if idx_end == -1: break # Get item length = idx_end - idx_start item = Configuration.Instance().get(text[idx_start+2 : idx_start+length]) # Append to the output output += text[ saved_idx : saved_idx + (idx_start-saved_idx) ] output += str(item.value()) saved_idx = idx_end + 1 # Append the last part output += text[ saved_idx : ] return output
[docs] def satisfied(self, tree = None): """ See if we are satisfied with all our dependencies in `tree` If no `tree` is specified, the currently active tree will be searched """ if tree is None: tree = Configuration.Instance().active_tree # See if our dependencies are met. for dep in self.get_key('depends', []): if tree.get(dep) is not None and not tree.get(dep).satisfied(tree): return False # If we are in a list, then we must be selected to satisfy. if self.get_key('in_list', False): lst = tree.get(self.get_key('in_list')) return lst.value(tree) == # TODO: hack if type(self._value) is bool: return self._value else: return True
[docs] def value(self, tree = None): # TODO: do we need the tree argument??? """ Retrieve the current value of the configuration item """ # TODO: do we need the tree parameter??? if self._value is None and self._parent: return self._parent.value() else: return self._value
[docs] def update(self, value): """ Assign a new `value` to the configuration item """ self._value = value
[docs] def add_dependency(self, item_name): """ Introduce a new dependency on `item_name` """ if 'depends' not in self._keywords: self._keywords['depends'] = [] if item_name not in self._keywords['depends']: self._keywords['depends'].append(item_name)
[docs] def serialize(self, tree): """ Return serializable representation of the item """ return dict(name =, type = self.__class__.__name__, value = self.value(tree), keywords = self._keywords, path = self._path, parent = str( if self._parent else None )
def __str__(self): """ String representation """ return str(self.value()) def __repr__(self): """ Interactive representation """ return
[docs]class ConfigBool(Config): """ Boolean configuration item This type of configuration item can only be `True` or `False`. """ def __init__(self, name, value, path = None, **keywords): """ Constructor """ super(ConfigBool, self).__init__(name, bouwer.util.str2bool(value), path, **keywords) # List items are always true. if 'in_list' in keywords: self._value = True
[docs] def value(self, tree = None): """ Retrieve our value, also taking dependencies into account. """ if tree is None: tree = Configuration.Instance().active_tree return self._value and self.satisfied(tree)
[docs] def update(self, value): """ Update the `value` of this boolean item """ super(ConfigBool, self).update(bouwer.util.str2bool(value))
[docs]class ConfigString(Config): """ String configuration item This type of configuration item contains any string value, which must be of the basic type `str`. Empty strings are allowed. """
[docs] def update(self, value): """ Update the `value` of this string item """ if type(value) is not str: raise Exception('value must be a string') else: super(ConfigString, self).update(value)
[docs]class ConfigList(Config): """ List configuration item """ #def __init__(self, name, value = None, **keywords): # """ # Constructor # """ # super(ConfigList, self).__init__(name, value, **keywords)
[docs] def add(self, item): """ Add an option to the list """ self._keywords.setdefault('options', []).append( # TODO: refix this #def update(self, value): # """ # Update the selected item in this list # """ # # if value not in self.get_key('options'): # raise Exception("item " + str(value) + " not in list " + # else: # super(ConfigList, self).update(value)
[docs]class ConfigInt: """ Integer configuration item """ pass
[docs]class ConfigFloat: """ Floating point number configuration item """ pass
[docs]class ConfigTri: """ Tristate configuration item """ pass
[docs]class ConfigTree(ConfigBool): """ Tree configuration items can contain other configuration items """ def __init__(self, name, value, path = None, parent = None, **keywords): """ Constructor """ super(ConfigTree, self).__init__(name, value, ".", **keywords) self.subitems = collections.OrderedDict() self._parent = parent
[docs] def add(self, item, path = None): """ Introduce a new :class:`.Config` item to the tree """ # TODO: here we must set the parent correctly.... # if the item is not in this tree, look for the parent of us (the tree). # if our parent has the item, make the parent of the new item that item in our parent tree... # TODO: watch out... are subdirectories added in the correct sequence? # we want to avoid the scenario where we need to re-update all the parents again. # Every item in the tree contains a list with items if not in self.subitems: self.subitems[] = [] if self._parent: item._parent = self._parent.get( # TODO: this assumes items are added in order of directory hierarchy... is this true??? else: item._parent = self.subitems[][-1] # Add to the subitems dict if path is None: path = Configuration.Instance().active_dir item._path = path self.subitems[].append(item)
[docs] def get(self, item_name): """ Retrieve item in this tree with the given `item_name` """ try: return getattr(self, item_name) except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def satisfied(self, tree = None): """ See if we are satisfied with all our dependencies in `tree` If no `tree` is specified, the currently active tree will be searched """ conf = Configuration.Instance() if tree is None: tree = conf.active_tree return (tree is self) or conf.edit_mode
[docs] def value(self, tree = None): """ Retrieve value of the tree. Either `True` or `False`. """ conf = Configuration.Instance() if tree is None: tree = conf.active_tree return ( == and super(ConfigTree, self).value(self)) or conf.edit_mode
[docs] def get_items_by_path(self): """ Return a dictionary with path as key and items as value """ ret_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for item_list in self.subitems.values(): for item in item_list: ret_dict.setdefault(item._path, []).append(item) return ret_dict
def __getattr__(self, name): """ Implements the `conf.ITEM` mechanism """ if name == return self elif name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] conf = Configuration.Instance() # See if we know this item in this tree if name in self.__dict__['subitems']: items = self.__dict__['subitems'][name] path = conf.active_dir match_item = None # Find a matching item while path and path != '/' and not match_item: for item in items: if item._path == path: match_item = item break path = os.path.dirname(path) # If no match, ask the parent if not match_item and self._parent: match_item = self._parent.get(name) # If still no match, just return the first available if not match_item: match_item = items[0] return match_item if name in conf.trees: return conf.trees[name] elif '_parent' in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__['_parent'].get(name) else: raise AttributeError('no such attribute: ' + str(name))
[docs]class BouwConfigParser: """ Parser for Bouwconfig files """ CONFIG_MODE = 1 CHOICE_MODE = 2 KEYWORD_MODE = 3 HELP_MODE = 4 TREE_MODE = 5 def __init__(self, conf): """ Constructor """ # TODO: make these private self.conf = conf self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.helpindent = None = None self.item = None self.mode = self.CONFIG_MODE self.syntax = { 'config' : self._parse_config, 'choice' : self._parse_choice, 'tree' : self._parse_tree, 'inside' : self._parse_inside, 'keywords' : self._parse_keywords, 'help' : self._parse_help, 'default' : self._parse_default, 'string' : self._parse_string, 'tristate' : self._parse_tristate, 'bool' : self._parse_bool, 'endchoice' : self._parse_endchoice, 'depends' : self._parse_depends } # TODO: rewrite this. Its too complicated.
[docs] def parse(self, filename): """ Parse a Bouwconfig file """ self.log.debug('reading `' + filename + '\'') = None self.item = None self.choice = None self.mode = self.CONFIG_MODE for line in open(filename).readlines(): if self.mode == self.KEYWORD_MODE: if line.find('=') == -1: self.mode = self.CONFIG_MODE else: parsed = line.partition('=') key = parsed[0].strip() value = parsed[2].strip() self.item._keywords[key] = value continue if self.mode == self.HELP_MODE: if self.helpindent is None: self.helpindent = self._get_indent(line) if line.find(self.helpindent) == -1: self.mode = self.HELP_MODE self.helpindex = None else: helpstr = line[ len(self.helpindent) : ] self.item._keywords['help'] += helpstr continue self.parsed = shlex.split(line, True) if len(self.parsed) == 0: continue else: self.syntax[self.parsed[0]](line)
def _get_indent(self, line): index = 0 for char in line: if char in (' ', '\t'): index += 1 else: break return line[:index] def _parse_depends(self, line): if 'depends' not in self.item._keywords: self.item._keywords['depends'] = [] self.item._keywords['depends'].append(self.parsed[2]) def _parse_keywords(self, line): self.mode = self.KEYWORD_MODE def _parse_config(self, line): = self.parsed[1] self.tree = 'DEFAULT' self.mode = self.CONFIG_MODE def _parse_choice(self, line): = self.parsed[1] self.tree = 'DEFAULT' self.mode = self.CHOICE_MODE def _parse_endchoice(self, line): self.mode = self.CONFIG_MODE self.choice = None def _parse_inside(self, line): self.tree = self.parsed[1] def _parse_tree(self, line): self.item = ConfigTree(, True, parent = self.conf.trees['DEFAULT']) self.conf.put(self.item) def _parse_default(self, line): self.item.update(self.parsed[1]) def _parse_string(self, line): self.item = ConfigString(, '', self.conf.active_dir) self.conf.put(self.item, self.tree) def _parse_tristate(self, line): pass def _parse_bool(self, line): if self.mode == self.CHOICE_MODE: self.item = ConfigList(, None, self.conf.active_dir) self.choice = self.item else: self.item = ConfigBool(, True, self.conf.active_dir) if self.choice is not None: self.item._keywords['in_list'] = self.choice.add(self.item) self.conf.put(self.item, self.tree) def _parse_help(self, line): self.item._keywords['help'] = '' self.mode = self.HELP_MODE
[docs]class Configuration(bouwer.util.Singleton): """ Represents the current configuration """ def __init__(self, cli = None): """ Constructor """ self.cli = cli self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.args = cli.args self.trees = {} self.parser = BouwConfigParser(self) self.edit_mode = False # Find the path to the Bouwer predefined configuration files curr_file = inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()) curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(curr_file)) base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(curr_dir + '..' + os.sep + '..' + os.sep)) self.base_conf = base_path + os.sep + 'config' # The active tree and directory are used for # evaluation in the Config class, if needed. self.active_tree = None self.active_dir = self.base_conf # Attempt to load saved config, otherwise reset to predefined. if not self.load(): self.reset() # Validate tree # self._validate() # Dump configuration for debugging self.dump()
[docs] def get(self, item_name): """ Retrieve item named `item_name` from the active tree """ return self.active_tree.get(item_name)
[docs] def put(self, item, tree_name = 'DEFAULT', path = None): """ Introduce a new :class:`.Config` object `item` """ if isinstance(item, ConfigTree): self.trees[] = item else: self.trees[tree_name].add(item, path)
[docs] def load(self, filename = '.bouwconf'): """ Load a saved configuration from the given `filename` """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): return False try: contents = open(filename).read() except IOError as e: self.log.critical("failed to read configuration file `" + str(filename) + "':" + str(e)) sys.exit(1) # Parse the JSON and convert to python dict. conf_dict = json.loads(contents, cls = bouwer.util.AsciiDecoder) # Add all items to the configuration for json_name, json_paths in conf_dict.items(): for json_item in json_paths: conf_class = getattr(bouwer.config, json_item['type']) conf_item = conf_class(json_item['name'], json_item['value'], **json_item['keywords']) # set active_dir to path if 'path' in json_item: self.active_dir = json_item['path'] # Set parent #if 'parent' in json_item: # conf_item._parent = self.trees[json_item['parent']] if type(conf_item) is ConfigTree: self.put(conf_item) self.active_tree = conf_item else: self.put(conf_item, json_item['tree']) return True
[docs] def save(self, filename = '.bouwconf'): """ Save the current configuration to `filename` """ fp = open(filename, 'w') # Ordered dict makes sure items added stay in order, # i.e. ConfigTree's will appear first in the JSON file conf_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # First add trees. for tree in self.trees.values(): conf_dict[] = [ tree.serialize(tree) ] # Now the subitems for tree in self.trees.values(): for subitem_entry in tree.subitems.values(): for subitem in subitem_entry: if not in conf_dict: conf_dict[] = [] item_dict = subitem.serialize(tree) item_dict['tree'] = conf_dict[].append(item_dict) fp.write(json.dumps(conf_dict, ensure_ascii=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) fp.write(os.linesep) fp.close()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset configuration to the initial predefined state using Bouwconfigs """ # Insert the default tree. self.put(ConfigTree('DEFAULT', True)) self.active_tree = self.trees['DEFAULT'] # Parse all pre-defined configurations from Bouwer self._scan_dir(self.base_conf) # Parse all user defined configurations self._scan_dir('.') #os.getcwd()) # TODO: this should be inside the ConfigTree... not in here...
[docs] def dump(self): """ Dump the current configuration to the debug log """ for tree_name, tree in self.trees.items(): self._dump_item(tree, tree)
def _validate(self): """ Validate & enforce dependencies in all trees. """ for tree_name, tree in self.trees.items(): for item_name, paths in tree.subitems.items(): for path_name, item in paths.items(): for dep in item.get_key('depends', []): # Is it an unknown dependency? if dep not in tree.subitems and \ dep not in self.trees: raise Exception('Unknown dependency item ' + dep + ' in ' + item_name) # TODO: add circular dependency check def _dump_item(self, item, tree, parent = ''): """ Dump a single configuration item """ self.log.debug(parent + + ':' + str(item.__class__) + ' = ' + str(item.value(tree)) + ' (@'+str(item._path)+')') for key in item._keywords: self.log.debug('\t' + key + ' => ' + str(item._keywords[key]).replace('\n', '.')) self.log.debug('') # TODO: this dumping could be improved... # TODO: perhaps put the dump method in ConfigTree itself? if isinstance(item, ConfigTree): for child_item_name, subitems in item.subitems.items(): for child_item in subitems: self._dump_item(child_item, tree, parent + + '.') def _scan_dir(self, dirname): """ Scans a directory for Bouwconfig files """ found = False # Look for all Bouwconfig's. for filename in os.listdir(dirname): # TODO: replace 'Bouwconfig' literal with a constant, e.g. BOUWCONF or something or CONFFILE if filename.endswith('Bouwconfig'): self.active_dir = dirname self.parser.parse(dirname + os.sep + filename) found = True # Only scan subdirectories if at least one Bouwconfig found. if found: for filename in os.listdir(dirname): if os.path.isdir(dirname + os.sep + filename): self._scan_dir(dirname + os.sep + filename)